Is Your Marketing Generating The Results You Want? How To Know When It’s Time To Hire An Agency

Is Your Marketing Generating The Results You Want? How To Know When It’s Time To Hire An Agency.

As businesses expand and grow, their needs change and evolve. To get to the next level, a business needs a different strategy than what was done in the beginning to get the business off the ground.

At some point along the way, business owners will often ask themselves if their marketing efforts are providing growth and the results they want for their business. Looking for a better option typically leads to either an internal hire or enlisting the help of an outside marketing agency. The right agency will develop strategic marketing plans and standards, create consistent and on-brand content across all relevant platforms, as well as properly execute and engage with their target audience wherever they are.

Is It Time To Hire A Marketing Agency For Your Business?

Here are some questions to determine if it’s time to bring in some outside help…

  • Does your business have a solid overall marketing strategy and a plan for the coming weeks and months?
  • Do you understand your ideal target audience and where they showing up?
  • Do you have goals and are you seeing growth (such areas as impressions, engagements, page views, sign-ups, conversions)?
  • Do you know which marketing efforts are working best for you?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, it may be time to consider an outside agency to help with your marketing strategy.

Now, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you lack knowledge or understanding of best practices and current marketing trends?
  • Does keeping up with your marketing efforts feel time-consuming and overwhelming?
  • Do you lack the time and resources to be consistent in your marketing efforts?
  • Do you want better results and the ability to see what is actually working?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you will benefit from the support of the right outside marketing agency.

Why It Matters

Without a strategic plan, diligent execution, and precise tracking, your marketing efforts aren’t going to get you the results that you are capable of. When you are looking for real growth for your business, hiring a professional to manage the big picture as well as the day to day tasks, will help to free up your time and allow you to do more of what you love. Many business owners started their businesses to obtain more freedom. Yet they end up engulfed by the routine marketing tasks that need to be done. With an outside marketing agency, you will be able to work on your business instead of in your business, while achieving your desired results.

Not All Agencies Are the Same 

If and when you decide to move forward with an outside marketing agency, there are a few questions you should ask before moving forward. You’ll want to have clarity ahead of time so you know exactly what to expect from the process.

  • Which results and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) will be tracked and how often?
  • What (exactly) will be delivered each week/month/quarter?
  • How much regular and ongoing input will you have in the plan and messaging?
  • What is the agency structure and who will be your main point of contact?
  • Who else has the agency worked with? What were their experiences and results?
  • And ultimately, is this a fit and how much value do you see in the partnership?

Not all businesses want or need to hire an outside marketing agency. However, as businesses grow, facilitating a proper marketing strategy can take up more time than a business owner can afford to spend. A talented marketing agency will be able to take the reins, delivering strategy, goals and most importantly, results.

Working with the right agency can really pay off. Your business will grow and you will have more time to focus on what you do best. To learn how we can help you take your business to the next level, reach out to us today. We are always here to answer any questions you may have.