Business Goals and Intentions for 2021: 4 Key Areas to Direct Your Focus
As we look ahead to 2021, many people are thinking about both their business and personal goals for the coming year. If you haven’t given much thought to this, it’s not too late. In fact, setting new intentions and modifying your goals should be something that grows and changes throughout the year, allowing you to modify as necessary.
Today we are talking about setting goals for your business, primarily in the field of marketing. There are all sorts of goals that you can set that will help you to measure exactly how you are doing. Here are 4 of our recommended areas where you can set some goals for your business.
Brand Awareness
This could mean a lot of things depending on your business. Maybe it is having more subscribers to your podcast or email list. It could mean more (or higher quality) followers on your social channels. It could mean more community members in your courses or groups. Or perhaps it is booking more interviews or speaking engagements.
Remember, if you are going to build awareness, you also need to be engaging with the people who are new to your brand. The number of likes on a post isn’t going to change your business. You need to move people into your DMs for one on one conversation. Get out there and ask for the discovery call. Find as many ways as possible to generate a deeper engagement with your brand.
When creating sales goals, it is important to be intentional and specific. If you are a service-based business, you want to identify which services produce the highest margins and which are more scalable. This will let you know exactly how many you need. If you are a product-based business, you’ll know that some products are more lucrative than others. Know your mix and plan your sales goals accordingly.
Here’s a great article to refer to if you want to dive into sales a little deeper. Improving Your Bottom Line – How To Maximize The “Value” In Your Business
This one is my personal favorite. Many businesses spend SO much time and money trying to bring new customers and clients in the door. Yet once they’ve made a purchase, we quickly move on, trying to get the next person to buy. Did you know that it’s easier to make a sale to someone who has already purchased from you?
When creating loyalty goals for your business, think of ways you can connect with clients you are no longer servicing, or how you can increase your services with existing clients. If you are a consumer based business, a re-engagement email to lapsed customers is a must! Most people will stop using your products or services because they became distracted by something else and you are just not top of mind anymore, not because they didn’t like what you offer. Providing more value to your existing customers will yield quicker results than going out and trying to find a whole new group to connect with.
Improving processes is something I’m a little bit addicted too. Whether it’s refining monthly tasks lists, streamlining our content creation process, or pitching podcasts we want to be on, there are always ways to improve our business.
As you think about what you want for your business in the coming year, take some time to get specific and set goals. Write them down and check-in with yourself on a regular basis to see where you’re at. Scorecarding is a great way to keep track. Learn how to keep score to improve your business and reach your goals with these tips from our previous post: Scorecards to Improve Business Performance
To learn more about business goals and Scorecarding, reach out to the Ellen Grace team today!