5 Key Components to Any Solid Content Strategy

5 Key Components to Any Solid Content Strategy

Having a solid content strategy can do wonders for your business. But many times we get stuck in producing the same kind of content and lose our creative edge and overall purpose. In this post, I hope to help you meet your business goals with content and marketing strategies that actually work.

Below, I will share with you 5 pieces of content that you need to make sure you are incorporating as you go forward in your business.  Because by utilizing different types of content, you will be able to attract more customers to your business.

5 Elements To Include In Your Content Strategy

#1 – Written Content 

Your written content includes things like blogs, social media posts, emails, or even DM’s.  This type of content is beneficial for many reasons.

  • It establishes authority and credibility because you add value and share it with others
  • It shows that you are professional and serious because you take the time to showcase your knowledge 
  • It is the perfect way to reach people who aren’t in a position to listen with sound – i.e. a great email or text on IG posts
  • You written content will boost your SEO rankings, helping people to find you more easily

#2 – Visual Content

Your visual content includes photos, graphics, and other imagery used throughout your marketing. This also includes your logo and branded imagery you create for your blogs, website, and social media. Your visual content will trigger emotion and emotional reactions from your potential customers. Imagery can tell a story that can’t be told verbally while condensing a lot of information into one small image – as they say, a picture says a thousand words!

A few great resources for your imagery include Canva – a web-based editor that allows you to create all types of graphics. There are a number of pre-made templates that can be used free of charge. A few websites I like to use for free photos and graphics include Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay.

#3 – Video Content 

Video should be a core component of your content strategy. Not everyone is comfortable hopping in front of the camera, but the good news is that you can start small with Instagram Stories or Facebook Live. From there you can move onto YouTube videos and Webinars as you feel more comfortable.

When creating video content, it’s best to be REAL. People don’t want to see generic content that can be found anywhere. Being authentic will connect you to your audience and will build credibility and trust.  

Another great tool I use for video content is Wave Video – think of it as Canva for video creation.

#4 – Audio Content

Audio content is becoming more and more popular. Think of a podcast, which allows people to take in content while on the go… unlike this blog you are reading. 🙂 If you aren’t quite ready for a podcast of your own, you can always be a guest on someone else’s.

Another way to integrate audio is by sending a response in a DM (i.e. in Instagram) with your voice. This shows authenticity and builds trust with your audience, just remember to keep it short and to the point.

#5 – In-Person “Content” Marketing

Nothing is more powerful when building trust and rapport with potential clients and customers. If your WHY is about people, it will only benefit you to get in front of them. As a business owner, you have to put yourself out there. There are a number of ways to do this.

  • Attending events
  • Networking lunches
  • Coffee with other industry people
  • Utilize co-working space
  • Take a class with your peers
  • Look for a speaking gig to broaden your audience
  • Visit other local businesses
  • Volunteer for events and causes in your community

Find Out What Works

When you have great content, you can also re-purpose it in other ways. For example, you can write an informative blog and from it produce a video and content for your social media sites. Your content strategy will need follow-through. They are not a quick fix and you may not see immediate results. Just like getting in shape – you need to follow through in order to achieve success.

The good news is that you don’t have to do it all. Know what your audience engages with and stick with that. Prioritize and stay focused, working on the things that will best help you to reach your target audience. Personally, 1, 2 and 5 are my go-to, but I’m also working on adding more of 3!

Learn more about how we can help your company develop a content strategy! Reach out to us today!